ARIBA Supply Chain Collaboration
Unsere scc-Experten Gerhard Robausch, Florian Csurda und Florian Donaubauer gewähren wertvolle Einblicke in ARIBA und haben nützliche Tipps und Tricks für Sie!
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Data Driven Value & User Experience
scc Erfahrungsbericht mit Walter Fazekas und Clemens Stadler
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Digital Manufacturing mit SAP
scc Erfahrungsbericht mit Walter Fazekas und Maximilian Rogl
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Advanced Analytics & KI
scc Erfahrungsbericht mit Walter Fazekas und Bernhard Puscha
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ARIBA Supply Chain Collaboration
Unsere scc-Experten Gerhard Robausch, Florian Csurda und Florian Donaubauer gewähren wertvolle Einblicke in ARIBA und haben nützliche Tipps und Tricks für Sie!
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Mit kühlem Kopf durch den Datendschungel!
Wie Sie gemeinsam mit scc und mithilfe von Microsoft Copilot Ihr Reporting auf das nächste Level bringen können, verraten Ihnen Walter Fazekas und Bernhard Puscha von der scc, sowie Dennis Huyen von Microsoft in diesem Webinar.
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ARIBA Supplier Lifecycle and Performance Management
Unsere scc-Experten Gerhard Robausch, Florian Csurda und Florian Donaubauer gewähren wertvolle Einblicke in ARIBA und haben nützliche Tipps und Tricks für Sie!
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Tutorial title in maximum two rows which explaine some idea from SCC
This video description also get an own landingpage, where the video can be played, but there is also a longer despciption. This video description also get an own landingpage, where the video can be played, but there is also a longer despciption. Better make not more then three...This video description also get an own landingpage, where the video can be played, but there is also a longer despciption. Better make not more then three...
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Tutorial title in maximum two rows which explaine some idea from SCC
This video description also get an own landingpage, where the video can be played, but there is also a longer despciption. This video description also get an own landingpage, where the video can be played, but there is also a longer despciption. Better make not more then three...This video description also get an own landingpage, where the video can be played, but there is also a longer despciption. Better make not more then three...
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Tutorial title in maximum two rows which explaine some idea from SCC
This video description also get an own landingpage, where the video can be played, but there is also a longer despciption. This video description also get an own landingpage, where the video can be played, but there is also a longer despciption. Better make not more then three...This video description also get an own landingpage, where the video can be played, but there is also a longer despciption. Better make not more then three...
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