From SAP consultancy to digital sparring partner: We invest in our project and process management
“Get agile or go down tryin'”. What reads like the title of a new rap album is the motto of our time. Because if you want to continue to exist as a company, you have to be agile and remain flexible. In other words, welcome, allow and manage change. And for this to succeed, it is essential to take a more holistic view of projects, to analyze processes, but also to say goodbye to old ways of thinking and to explore potential conflicts. The topic of the hour is therefore: project and process management, including change management. And for this reason, we have also been dealing with this for a long time. We will tell you what this new path looks like at scc and more about the professions of project and process manager.
Holistic guidance
Let’s start with the “why” – why has agility become a key competence and why are we therefore sharpening the path we have already taken and thinking bigger? Quite simply, because digital transformation is omnipresent and change is the order of the day in companies. The question, however, is: How will these be managed? And this is where we come in. We know that it’s no longer just about having the right tools and instruments, but also about everything that goes with them:
- Every change – for example a switch to SAP, but also every other (digital) project – must be accompanied holistically.
- For example, it is important to create the right framework conditions in advance or to ensure the necessary acceptance in order to be able to initiate the change process in the first place. Later on, agile methods and new technologies are required, as well as a great deal of empathy and the ability to work in a team – after all, we humans are still the main players in any project.
- A changeover is not complete once it has been implemented; after that, it is important to ensure that everything runs smoothly and to identify further potential for improvement. Or to initiate the next change.
And that is precisely why we are strengthening and accelerating our project and process management, including change management. This will enable us to provide customers with even better and more comprehensive support for every change in future. And we will move from being a pure SAP consultancy to a digital sparring partner for IT and digitalization.