
Requirements for modern customer relationship management systems and why the SAP Sales Cloud is a true pioneer

“Content is king”, as they say in marketing. We say: content is king, but contact is god. After all, no company can survive without the right contacts and potential customers. The big challenge here is to bundle, structure and maintain this data in order to fully exploit the potential associated with it – namely to generate sales. More and more companies are therefore coming to the conclusion: “We need a CRM.” This is the only way to find new customers and retain regular customers in the long term. This article reveals the requirements that companies today place on such customer relationship management systems and what SAP has to offer in this regard.

Important requirements for a modern CRM system

The focus of every customer relationship management system, or CRM for short, is one thing: optimizing sales processes. However, modern solutions now go far beyond this - and they have to. This is because the demands on a CRM system are increasing.

The points cannot be strictly generalized. The reason: not only do individual sectors differ from one another, but every company is different. For some, for example, it is essential to be able to store visit reports from field service employees virtually and centrally and at the same time plan, report and analyze future assignments. Others - such as machine manufacturers - have long sales processes with different phases in which several employees are involved. They need the CRM system to be able to map the big picture. And in the B2B sector, customer information is an important point of reference for marketing - for example, to create lead lists or newsletters.

The requirements are therefore very different. Nevertheless, there are a few aspects of a CRM system that more and more companies are asking for:
Modern contact management:
At the top of the list is still the point that forms the origin of CRM solutions, namely the organization of contact data. And nowadays, the more structured and up-to-date the data is, the more beneficial it is for a company.
Comprehensive history:
A few presales information here and a few aftersales notes there - that was yesterday. Nowadays, companies want and need as much information about their customers as possible. In other words, a 360-degree view. What was sold and when? Can trends be identified? Are there any open items? Who are the competitors? And what is the payment behavior? This is important data that can be used specifically to initiate sales activities.
Optimal integration:
A structured way of working and an eye for the big picture, coupled with a certain love of detail, are also essential. At the same time, there should be a certain environmental awareness in order not to hold every appointment on site in the interests of sustainability.

Three essentials on the way to the changeover

Sounds great, doesn't it? Unfortunately, the reality is often different: CRM systems are purchased, used briefly and then lead a rather dreary existence, even though the investment cost a lot of money. This can be avoided if you first bear three aspects in mind:
Finding the right tool:
The CRM landscape is growing and growing. Admittedly, it is becoming increasingly difficult to decide on the right solution and the right range of functions. This makes it all the more important to sound out the options in advance - with a partner like us, scc.
Integrating sales:
Viele machen den Fehler, die Vertriebsmitarbeiter:innen nicht schon von Beginn an in das Projekt einzubinden. Doch das ist essenziell, damit der Umstieg von Erfolg gekrönt ist.
Maintaining data:
The data in CRM is only as good as it is maintained. That is a fact. And that is why it is essential to maintain and update it continuously.

SAP's CRM system:
the Sales Cloud V2

If you take all this to heart, you can take your business relationships to a new level. And this is where the "Sales Cloud", the customer relationship management system from SAP, comes into play. Although SAP also gives you the option of operating a mini CRM system in the ERP system, this is more for data storage and does not include any comprehensive sales processes. Many companies therefore quickly reach their limits. It is therefore better to use SAP Sales Cloud V2 straight away. In technological terms, this tool can rightly be described as a market leader and pioneer. Because it combines a number of advantages:
Cloud technology:
SAP is responding to the current trend by providing the solution in the latest cloud-native technology.
Data can be obtained and processed quickly, which is particularly advantageous in the analytical field.
The new SAP Sales Cloud V2 is characterized by a high level of reliability. Although new features are constantly being developed and added in the background, the entire software is never replaced, only individual modules and functions - during ongoing operation.
Integration into ERP systems such as SAP R/3 or S/4HANA is already included. Outlook or Teams can also be connected just as quickly. The system can also be used as a stand-alone solution.
360-degree view:
The aforementioned 360-degree view of customers, which shows purchases, deliveries, open items, etc., is possible with the SAP Sales Cloud. SAP provides an analytical tool for this purpose. It becomes even more informative with the SAP Sales Analytics Cloud (SAC), a higher-level solution that can be optimally linked to it.
Additional modules:
SAP Sales Cloud V2 is therefore an ideal solution for the entire presales area, for new customer business and additional business with existing customers. If that's not enough, the "SAP Service Cloud V2" also offers the option of covering the service area, i.e. when it comes to selling spare parts or organizing maintenance. The additional module "SAP FSM", which stands for "Field Service Management", goes one step further. This integrates the area of scheduling and service processing for service technicians. The SAP Sales Cloud also has a basic newsletter system. If you need more functions, an additional product is also available here. SAP can also be connected to the LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

A CRM becomes really interesting when it is connected to an ERP system, i.e. when automatic data synchronization takes place, sales, turnover etc. become visible and conclusions can be drawn. This information is essential for your company in order to improve or even just maintain your company's added value.
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